I do better when someone gives me verbal destination directions than I do reading or looking at a map
I get lost in the cinematography, visual effects, costumes and scenery when I watch a movie
People naturally confide in me about their problems
I really enjoy having music on in the background while I am working
I see or have seen flashes of light energy or color in my peripheral vision
I have been known to experience sudden physical aches and pains when I am in the company of others
I often know more about a topic or concept to which I have just been introduced than I would have thought possible
I cry at the drop of a hat when I watch a very sad or happy movie or show
When I recall an afternoon spent with one of my friends, I see it in pictures in my mind
When I meet someone for the first time, I tend to immediately assess whether or not I find this person interesting and / or they might be able to help me in my career
When others are talking, I visualize in my mind what they are saying
I often feel affected by the feelings and emotions of others
I learn and remember the lyrics to songs very easily
I know right away whether I like a person or not when I am meeting them for the first time
I prefer to write down the instructions that someone has verbally given to me
I love to talk for long periods of time on the phone with a friend
I prefer one on one discussions on topics that interest me rather than being involved in group discussions
I prefer to purchase items in person so that I have the chance to touch them first rather than shop online
When I remember an afternoon spent with a friend, I mostly recall what we talked about
When I am meeting someone for the first time I tend to first notice their physical characteristics, what they are wearing, their hair style, smile, etc
Often when I am working on a challenge or problem I will instantaneously know the solution and implement it without question or doubt
I tend to get absorbed in the musical score, the dialogue and the sound effects when I watch a movie
I do not hesitate but instead I act quickly most of the time