
Divine Abilities | Course

From: $197.00 / month for 12 months

We invite you to experience this in-depth teaching on spiritual gifts. The journey starts with our two-part spiritual gifts series, called the โ€œDIVINE ABILITIES COURSEโ€.

In the Divine Abilities Course, you will receive over 34 hours of teaching. This 2-part series is broken down into manageable portions for you to really absorb and practice what you are learning.

If you feel the calling, I encourage you to join now.



We invite you to experience this in-depth teaching on spiritual gifts. The journey starts with our two-part spiritual gifts series, called the โ€œDIVINE ABILITIES COURSEโ€.

First, you start with part-1 of the series called, AWARENESS.

There are 15 classes in the Awareness course that cover:

  • The Origin, Objective, Operation, Ownership, and Office of your abilities
  • The depth in which you experience your abilities
  • We cover more in-depth the Clair-Senses along with teaching about the Prophetic, the Psychic, Empaths, and what being an Intuitive really means

Part-1 of “Awareness” will solidify your knowing of who you really are and how your spiritual gifts are here to assist you. From this understanding, you will more clearly know what path your life is taking and how you can avoid some of the pitfalls along the way.

The 2nd part in the series is called, ACTIVATION.

This next level of the Divine Abilities Course contains 27 lessons packed full of key elements that, if used, will drastically jump start your spiritual gifts.

You will learn about the:

  • Perception Purgatory
  • Spirituality and the Scientific Method
  • The Matrix of the Mind and
  • How to Embrace an Effective Lifestyle that uses your gifts

These are just a few topics covered in Activation.

In the Divine Abilities Course, you will receive over 34 hours of teaching. This 2-part series is broken down into manageable portions for you to really absorb and practice what you are learning.

If you feel the calling, I encourage you to join now.

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Payment Options

$997 (Paid In Full, Save $$$), $497.00 / month for 3 months, $297 / month for 6 months, $197 / month for 12 months